My Budget Plan

Personal financial wellbeing and organisational performance are connected

Organisations that believe employee financial education will be a benefit to them
Employees that worry about their finances
Employers that say that money problems interfere with productivity
Number of hours lost per month sorting out personal finance worries
Employers that report "financial illness" drives absenteeism

Organisations are looking to support their employees while at the same time increasing engagement, improving retention and productivity.

0 %
of employers say that they WANT financial education
0 %
of employers feel a financial wellbeing program is the RIGHT thing to do
0 %
of employers say they want to improve employee engagement

The great news is that

Workplace programs work

59 %
of employers say that they WANT financial education
68 %
report they have changed spending behaviour
77 %
now say they have a plan to achieve financial goals
58 %
confirm they have reviewed debt
71 %
claim they have changed spending behaviour

Organisations are looking to support their employees while at the same time increasing engagement, improving retention and productivity.

Sorted Workplace Brochure December 2018